How to Live from a Place of Authentic Power

Warning: A huge sense of empowerment may occur. Reader discretion is advised ;) What does it mean to have true, authentic power? It’s not the kind of power politics, economies, or societies use. It's something much bigger. In this fascinating post, we're talking about the difference between external power and authentic power, how each may manifest in your life, and how to use this knowledge practically.

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In previous posts, we learned about the purposes and differences between the personality and the soul. Which acts as the perfect springboard into discussing what true authentic power is 💪🏻.

If you haven't read (or listened) to the posts on the personality and the soul I suggest you do so after listening to this one to get the most out of today's topic. There's an interview with Dr. Benjamin Hardy, an organizational psychologist, and a solo show about why personality isn't you.

Tap That Potential

The soul is SO powerful that no physical matter could survive or handle the amount of light and power it holds. This is why the soul creates a personality. It's a dimmer, more contained mechanism the soul uses to navigate the physical world. By lessening it's pure power the soul is able to navigate the physical realm.

Even though we can't access the full power of the soul while we're having a physical experience we also aren't tapping into our fullest, powerful potential. Knowing the difference between external power and authentic power and how each manifests in your life will help you do just that. Most of the concepts and quotes introduced throughout this post are from the powerful book The Seat of the Soul* by Gary Zukav.

What is External Power?

External power is a finite, limited type of power that operates within a five-sensory framework. A person (or society) who believes that power is outside of themselves base it on what they can interpret with the five senses. Touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste.

The reason this type of power is troublesome and disempowering is because the basis of this type of power is fear. And because of that fear it causes people to want dominate and control their environment. They need physical proof of their power since their perception stays within the 5 physical senses.

Gary Zukav says, "The need for physical dominance produces a type of competition that affects every aspect of our lives...It disrupts the natural tendency toward harmony between nations and between friends." External power can be acquired or lost. Bought or stolen. Transferred or inherited. Someone's gain is your loss. And vice versa.

Zukav says, "All our institutions–social, economic, and political–reflect our understanding of power as external." The country's history of slavery. External power. That's a prime example of the need for physical dominance. 

Police departments and military represent power as external. Even seeing the badge, uniform, and boots can instill fear. It's a symbol of fear. The way economics are shaped come from seeing power as external.

Something that's owned by the few then dished out to the many. The many who become victims to power. That's why there are agencies that protect consumers and workers. This list could go on and on and the intricacies could create an even longer conversation. But let's keep moving.

Eckhart Tolle says that, “Power over others is weakness disguised as strength. True power is within and is available to you now.” Our society conditioned itself to believe that external power equals strength. When really it's a weakness.

Weakness because trying to have power over others means you're operating in the limited physical world. Which means you never truly own whatever you fight to have power over to begin with. That power is purely based on external forces. That's disempowering.

I want to challenge you to start thinking of the concept of power differently. In Malcolm Gladwell's book David and Goliath he breaks down why David, being small, without proper armor, training or weapons actually gave him an advantage over Goliath who was much bigger in stature, had the best armor, and a history of being undefeated. Power was defined by the five senses and valued in one specific way. Most of you know how this story turned out. David won. This story and many others around us prove that power is more than the world defines it.

Zukav wraps it up nicely when he says, "Anything we fear to a symbol of external power." I know in the past I've seen power as external. When I feared losing money or friendships. When someone else got a scholarship or job instead of me I felt I missed out. Thankfully I know better and you do, too.

When we view power as external it splinters the psyche. It causes pain and violence. Oprah once said, “We’re living in a world of fear-based leadership, Which is only going to lead to more fear and more fear, and create more fear ― unless we, the people, can authentically align with ourselves.” The good news is you can authentically align with yourself. No longer is it acceptable to stay a five-sensory person. Someone who only believes in the five senses. The concept of evolution is changing as we speak. We're leaving this outdated model behind.

What is Authentic Power?

As you may already imagine, authentic power is the kind that, as Gary Zukav says, "loves life in every form that it appears". Authentic power doesn't judge and finds meaning and purpose in the smallest details on Earth. Zukav says, "When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with the highest part of ourselves, we are filled with enthusiasm, purpose, and meaning."

It can't be bought, inherited, stolen, and someone with authentic power doesn't have it in them to make anyone feel like a victim. They wish for everyone to connect to their authentic power. You may have realized by now that the evolutionary process isn't purely a physical one. Rather it's a spiritual one where spiritual empowerment and evolution is the main purpose for existing at all on the physical plane.

It is the purpose of our being. We're going from five-sensory to multi-sensory humans. Five-sensory covers the physical aspects of existence and resides in external power. The multi-sensory extends beyond the physical and allows you to obtain authentic power.

Five-Sensory vs. Multi-Sensory

Now that we know the difference between external and authentic power let's talk about what kind of people fall into each power. As mentioned earlier, the five-sensory human is someone who views the world through the five senses. Therefore they rely on external power and see it as finite. They don't have a sense beyond the five senses so they compete and fight for power.

A five-sensory person believes they're alone in the physical world. That they're unaccountable to their existence and must fight to survive. They also believe that intentions have no effect. That what they do or intend doesn't affect them or those around them.

The multi-sensory human, however, believes there's more to life. They know their intentions cause an effect. Gary Zukav says, "From the perception of the multi sensory human, every intention affects both us and others, and the effects of intentions extend far beyond the physical world." They see the physical as a learning environment shared jointly with other souls. They believe every situation or incident is there for their learning and evolution. This is the concept that rocked my world when reading The Seat of the Soul.

Before, I would unconsciously react to situations and place judgments or emotions on them. After reading it, I realized that every event or interaction that requires a reaction from me is an opportunity to evolve. To learn. And that the more I reacted unconsciously and negatively the more that lesson would repeat throughout my life.

Ways to Practice Authentic Power

Which sensory-type do you recognize within yourself? Which do you tend to use when reacting to situations? Don't be hard on yourself or judge too harshly. I'm proud of you for getting this far and being open to thinking differently. In a way that benefits your own spiritual evolution.

The most important thing you could do for yourself and your journey to authentic power is to be open. To continue being curious and stretching the boundaries of your perceptions and frames of reference. 

I love how Zukav says,

"When a question is asked that cannot be answered within the common frame of reference, it could be classified as nonsensical, it can be dismissed as a question that is not appropriate. OR the person who is asking a question can expand his or her consciousness to encompass a frame of reference from which the question can be answered...the seeker, the true scientist, will allow himself or herself to expand into a frame of reference from which the answers that he or she is seeking can be understood."

Continue being curious. Stretch the boundaries of your perceptions and frames of reference. Refuse to be offended or defensive when someone challenges an identity your ego holds onto. Whether you attach to a political party, religion, sports team, or even racial class when someone seemingly challenges your perception recognize no one can take away your inherent power. It can't be bought, stolen, or inherited. Labels don't matter. They only matter to the five-sensory world who uses them to categorize where power is distributed.

Authentic Power in Action

Per usual I like to tie everything up with practical application. Aside from becoming aware of your the beliefs and identities that affect your perception of power there are other way you can continue expanding your common frame of reference. Reading books, listening to podcasts, praying, meditating, having a morning routine, daily reflecting, and seeing every situation that requires a reaction from you as a learning experience. A chance for your soul to evolve a little higher. I want to share two examples to help illustrate how to use this principle in every day life.

Last week, my family had to put our sweet dog Daisy down because of old age. She was the dog that changed everything for me. She taught me to open my heart and live in the present. I begged my parents to get her when I was 15 and even though I moved to LA at 18 she was there for all of my major life events.

Sweet 16. Graduating high school, college, all family holidays, getting married and more. She was an even bigger part of my parent's every day life. It was hard on all of us.

But I had just read The Seat of the Soul and remembered the idea that everything is an experience for our soul's evolution. Even though I felt pain at the loss I knew this was a chance for evolution. That how I responded would help grow bigger or go backwards. So I let myself grieve. Then I made sure to check in on my family. And offer up gratitude for how her experience on Earth enhanced mine. 

As another example, I got into a back and forth with a long time friend about a political issue. The fact it started on text aside I remember not feeling great. My reaction to the situation was frustration and exasperation. But then I remembered that evolution is a choice.

So how did I want to react in this situation? What am I supposed to learn and evolve towards that this interaction is trying to teach me? So I called her on the phone and said, "No matter what I care about you and love you no matter what." I didn't want a conversation about a heated topic during a heated time in society to ruin a friendship.

I realized I was meant to choose love and compassion instead of anger. It softened my heart and hers and I felt humbled. Don't be afraid to become conscious of your intentions. To ask what every situation is asking you to learn. Life become more bright and less scary when you do.


I am open to expanding the boundaries of my perception. I embrace consciousness in every situation and choose love and compassion every time.

Do This Today

Think about the parts of your life where you see power as external and make a commitment to change it.

Writing Prompt

Think of a situation where you felt upset or disconnected. Write down how you could've responded differently and what your soul was hoping you would learn from it.


Book: The Seat of the Soul* by Gary Zukav

Book: The Power of Now* by Eckhart Tolle

Book: David and Goliath* by Malcolm Gladwell

Podcast: Tired of Feeling Powerless? Here's What to Do with Henry Ammar

Article: How to Create a Personal Energy Shield for Protection

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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

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