Why it’s Important to Show Up as Your Authentic Self with Kimberly Spencer

How did you see yourself before other people’s expectations influenced you? Who did you want to be? Whether it is because of external or internal pressures, we all have had curiosities that we never gave ourselves the permission to follow. In this episode, Kimberly Spencer guides us through how she learned to listen to her intuition and live to be true to herself.


Who is Kimberly Spencer?

Kimberly Spencer is an award winning coach to high achieving go-getters who want holistic success and fulfillment. But life didn’t start that way, Kimberly was raised in an environment where co-dependency was the norm. On the outside, people believed she had her act together but on the inside was a different story.

She co-wrote a film starring actor Danny Trejo and sold it to Lionsgate. She competed in Miss California USA, won Miss Congeniality, and won several other Miss titles. She acted in London at a prestigious school, became a certified pilates instructor, was named Pilates Pro in Oxygen Magazine and owned her own studio for 10 years.

She was also the President and spokeswoman of a national online company that sold a back-stretching device and pitched it to the first round of Shark Tank. Despite the outward success, Kimberly felt she was acting, both in her relationships with others, and herself.

No matter what she did, she never felt it was enough, that she always need to prove over and over again her worth. Until one day, she stepped radically into her power and everything changed. Now, she’s a mom, certified high performance coach, podcast host, and offers courses, books and a blog.

Finding Your Own Path

In today's episode, Kimberly recalls getting permission early on to find her own path. In high school, she talks about being a high achiever in all the ways she thought she needed to. So she could fit into the roles that she was supposed to follow. She worked hard, taking AP classes and applying to prestigious schools.

Rather than celebrating success she was met with rejection from multiple schools despite having a high GPA and being a high-achieving student. Kimberly was upset she wasn’t seeing results. Six months before graduating, her mother told Kimberly she should chase her purpose and choose her own journey. Which eventually led to her chasing her dream to become an actress, writer, and more.

That conversation made Kimberly realize that all the pressure was being 100% put on by herself. “Contorting myself into this perceived path that I thought I should do to make my parents happy, me happy, [make] me feel like enough,” she says, “just wasn’t the case.” Kimberly felt as though she had been plagiarizing her entire life, imitating the thoughts of others and acting as if they were her own. When Kimberly made the decision to step into her power of choice, her life started to radically change.

Recognizing the “Real You” and Living Truthfully

Kimberly shares what she learned from an acting class that still plays a part in her role as a coach today. She says, “The foundation of manifestation, is living truthfully under imaginary circumstances and imagining your world better than what your past conditioning has allowed you to have.”

She uses her faith to also tie in the idea of manifestation as imagining a greater reality for yourself until it comes true. “Acting as if it is already coming true with certainty that you are experiencing it now in the moment.”

When she saw real people living truthfully under imaginary circumstances, she saw beauty and truth in that, even when she didn’t know what they were yet.

Accepting Your Mistakes and Being Proud of Your Authentic Self

As Kimberly notes, “You’ll never get full 100% acceptance until you are fully ready and have the courage to fully show and accept all of you.” She continues, “Until you are fully willing and ready to accept all of you, you will never find full acceptance.”

For Kimberly, candor is the foundation of creating authenticity within oneself and with others. Rather than be scared of the unknown, embrace it. Candid conversations that are uncomfortable reveal beauty and truth underneath them. Being candid with all of you, your past and mistakes, will allow you to fully express who you are and to choose your own programming.

Make sure to listen to the full episode for more about Kimberly’s past and how she recommends you create your future.

More From This Episode

  • Finding her path and getting to where she is now. [4:14] 

  • Balancing your feminine and masculine energies. [8:39]

  • Listening to your intuition and allowing your curiosities to guide you. [9:48]

  • Recognizing the “real you” and living truthfully. [11:42]

  • Remembering your earliest self and dreams. [14:04]

  • Releasing the shame and conditioned programming from your childhood. [23:20]

  • Creating a safe space where you can embrace your emotions. [27:57]

  • Accepting your mistakes and being proud of your authentic self. [32:53]

  • Rebuilding and realigning your relationship with trust and faith. [36:12]


I am giving myself permission to be authentic—no show, no manipulation. I am showing up fully present and embracing the emotions in each moment.


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@kimberly.spencer and @crownyourselfnow

Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.


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