There’s Beauty in Being Exactly Where You Are

We decided to try something a little different this week. And hopefully, for the coming weeks. We thought it would be fun to have little minisodes where I give thoughts or tips or things that I've been learning in hopes that it can also help you. It's something that I have done on Instagram, for many years actually, where I just hop on and share what I'm learning in my entrepreneurship journey, spiritual journey, I usually share things like okay, this is how I'm using affirmations in my life or here's a story about this spiritual principle that changed everything.

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I wanted to hop on this week and talk to you about something that's been on my mind recently that I thought might be useful for you, as you're navigating your life figuring out what are my next steps? what do I need to focus on this year?

I hired a coach for the first time, totally afraid. I have the picture of when I was about to make the decision, I literally was crying. And you could see before I made the decision and then after and it's like this relief and this release that came over me. Since then, I've definitely been challenged in how I'm approaching things and the way that I'm thinking about success. And in my idea of what fulfillment and happiness is.

First of all, you have all you need to succeed. Right now this second because the person that you want to be a year from now, five years from now is a different person, that person has a different set of skills, a different insight, different perspectives that you're currently working towards. So the idea that “oh, I'm not there yet”, is not a bad thing. It's because you are not that person yet, that person who can handle those things. So your journey and your purpose now is to become that person. To get the skills, the experience, the perspective. And in a way, it's so much fun being in that position. For so long. I didn't let it be fun because I was so just focused on the end goal or the person I'm supposed to be or the results I want to see. But really, there is beauty in being exactly where you are. So that’s the first thing: you have everything you need to succeed.

The second thing is kind of adding on to it. Yes, there are certain skills that if you hire an expert or a coach are absolutely helpful. I've had so many mindset shifts, I've had so many aha moments, and just a full on awareness, because of a coach who is steps ahead of me. And that definitely speeds up the learning curve. For sure. There are courses that can speed up the learning curve for creating a course or email marketing or whatever the skill may be.

But it's the vision part that I feel most of us kind of either skip out on or think the answer lies outside of us. And that's the biggest part of my journey, I feel like I have relied so much on experts that I forgot that my own inner wisdom actually has the bigger answers for me that no one else can give me. It's because I relied so much on voices outside of myself that I wasn't able to get my answers as quickly or as powerfully as I hoped. Something I learned is part of being successful or getting to become the person that you want to become is that everything is not about business. As a business owner, you have to have a vision, you have to have vision. What that means is the bigger picture, the bigger idea that with everything you're doing, it funnels into that vision. And so anytime you're doing something that doesn't actually contribute to that bigger vision, you're being distracted.

This is really pointed out so well, in the book by Gary Keller, The One Thing.* He talks about getting from point A to point B. And if you're at point A, and you're in a crisis, right, your mentality is in crisis, scarcity, survival mode. Then you'll take as many jobs that you want, even if it doesn't get you towards your point B or your vision. You will sacrifice a lot of things, you'll do things that are not worth your time, you'll say yes to people when you didn't want to, all of these things that act as distractions because you're not focused on your vision and your goal. That has been me for so long. Like I think I know, my vision, I think I know where I want to go. But then I take on clients in my copywriting business that inside I really don't want to work with, but “oh, it'll bring money in and then I can survive another month.” Or other decisions where it's like, okay, I'll survive, I'll survive. And that is not a mentality that I want to be in. It’s not a mentality that you want to be in.

So this is just a reminder that the vision that you want to go for, the end goal, whether you want to be honest with yourself or not. That's another key component is sometimes we know the decision we need to make, or we know the place that we need to go. But we're not honest enough with ourselves or brave enough with ourselves to actually do it. There's like a two-fold thing happening there. So I encourage you this next week, to stop the day-to-day, whatever you're doing, that's taking your time up, that feels like busywork, your to-do list, whatever it is. Myself included, I'm doing that today, just kind of letting myself be, doing meditation, working on things that feel aligned and good.

I have two hours blocked off in my schedule, to focus on my vision. So regardless of what's going on, regardless of what my bank account looks like, regardless of anything in my circumstance, what is my vision? What does my heart truly, truly want me to do? And where is it guiding me? What am I feeling? Am I feeling discouraged right now? Why is that? Basically just having a heart-to-heart with myself and realigning, getting reacquainted with that vision. If the steps I need to do to get to that vision are different than what I'm doing, then being brave enough to change it. And I think that's the hardest part. So I'm going to just make this really super simple. I'm going to simplify it, make it tangible. But these principles go much deeper spiritually.

For example, in a business, if I know that my vision is to reach, let's say, forty-five year-olds, who are women and parents and mothers and high achievers, and I know they hang out on Facebook, and they want emails or ebooks, they want to read things, they don't like videos. And here I am making videos on TikTok, and I'm pushing on Instagram, and I'm doing basically the complete opposite of what they want. I need to be brave enough for myself to be like, well, if I want to serve, you know, 1000 of those women, then I need to start writing more emails, and I need to start doing things on Facebook more or wherever they're hanging out, right? Just a really cheesy quick example. The thing is, it's being brave enough to change. Right now, I see in my business that I have a certain vision for my future. And there are certain things that I'm doing that don't really serve that vision. And I'm resisting changing because the ego, my ego wants to keep everything the same. Because it's familiar, even if it's not working. It's familiar. So now what I'm doing is sitting down, asking myself what's my vision, what feels good, being honest about what that means. What changes that means. And then actually doing it.

You’ve got this, you can do it, get that vision. If you have any questions or thoughts about what you're going through anything specific, I'm always available, because I know how hard it can be to just get to where you want to go. And we all need support. Even if yours is not a business question and it's just a personal “this is who I want to be” question. Please reach out. I want to see you happy, I want to see fulfilled and succeed. I know how hard it can be. But just know that there are so many tools out there that you can learn for yourself to give yourself those answers. Yeah, you can buy a course on how to make a course or you can buy a course on how to do email marketing. But what if you started doing workshops or courses on how to align with yourself, how to listen to your voice? Because if you can listen to your voice, then you're able to make those other decisions for your life. And I think that has also been key, for me at least, is what does my voice actually sound like?



I enjoy being exactly where I am and look forward in faith to my ever-present future.

Writing Prompt

When I feel disconnected or unsure have I lost focus on my vision? What is my vision?


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

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