What it Means to be In Vibrational Alignment

Every form of matter—your body included—vibrates at a certain frequency. Keep reading to find out more about the true nature of emotions and the biology behind belief.


With everything that’s happened in 2020 I’m sure you’ve heard terms like “energetic shift” being thrown around or that’s it’s important to get “vibrationally aligned”. But what does that really mean? After the Covid-19 (aka Coronavirus) scare began, you probably felt the collective energy change around you. Like it or not we all create energy and take it in from objects and people alike. Today, I’m hoping to shed some light on this foundational concept and hope it brings you the clarity you need to start having an energetic practice that makes you feel more fulfilled.

Vibrational energy is a complex, curious topic and regardless of your current beliefs, you may be willing to admit there’s more to life than what we interpret with our physical senses. Think of a time you knew an event was going to happen before it did. Or thought about a cute dog like a corgi and one passes by you moments later. There’s a reason things like this happen and my goal with this post is to share what I’ve been learning in case it guides you to answers you’re looking for. Or at least crack open the door to your curiosity. 

What You’ll Learn:

  1. The true nature of emotions.

  2. The biology behind belief.

  3. A shortcut to move from lower to higher emotions.

Alignment 101

First thing’s first, let’s clarify what we mean by “alignment”. We’re not talking about car alignment or back alignment here. We’re talking about vibrational alignment.

More specifically, being in vibrational alignment (through your emotions) with the energy of who you really are.

Emotions or e-motions are literally energy in motion. We can choose which energetic frequencies we want to tune into and radiate — sadness and anger (low frequency), peace and joy (high frequency), and everything in between.

Every form of matter vibrates at a certain frequency. If you choose joy, compassion, and love, you’ll attract people, things, and situations with the same frequency.

For example, you meet a stranger on the train that ultimately helps you land your dream job, someone holds open the door for you, or you find unexpected money flowing into your life. Whatever you’re focused upon seems to magically arrive without effort.

On the other hand, if you choose anger, sadness, or guilt, you’ll attract people, things, and situations that match. You might feel “stuck” or like it’s an uphill battle to get anything in your life to feel right. You feel resistance and a contraction of energy as if life’s closing in on you.

Here’s a handy visual that outlines common emotions and their associated vibrational frequency:


Just like you can’t tune in to a specific radio station without shifting the dial on the radio to the same frequency as the station, you can’t manifest your desires without shifting your emotional frequency to that of your higher, most receptive self. In other words, you can’t tune into love, joy, and peace without first raising your energetic vibration.

The Biology Behind Belief

Have you ever walked into a room and felt a sense of heaviness or sadness for no outwardly apparent reason? Or felt a surge of gratitude and joy when you woke up and then noticed how everything seemed to magically flow and work in your favor throughout the rest of the day?

These are great examples of energy in motion (e-motion). It’s the vibrational frequency you’re sensing that permeates through the space around you. When you’re not conscious or aware of the energy you’re allowing into your life, however, it’s easy to create results you don’t want.

Dr. Joan Borysenko, cell biologist and licensed psychologist, says that our physical perceptions turn into behaviors or beliefs, which then affect which genetic markers turn on or off in our body. In other words, our bodies convert environmental signals into biological effects. 

Keep reading to hear about how you can easily start raising the types of frequencies you’re “tuning into” to start attracting better feelings and events into your life.

How to Quickly Move from Higher to Lower Vibrations

Biologically, our body doesn’t know the difference between the thought of an event happening and an event actually happening. It physiologically processes the thought exactly as it would the actual event.

And this is good news for us because an easy way to raise our vibration is to act as if.

In fact, this method is so effective, there’s a renowned principle that refers to it: The As-If Principle (William James, 1884). This principle suggests that when we act as if we already are, we become just that.

This tactic can be successfully applied to all sorts of things, including our emotional state. Using the As-If Principle, we can act as if we’re in a peak, high-vibrational state and then observe how everything around us aligns with it.

Having said this, I know it can be difficult to make the vibrational leap from lower frequencies to higher ones. And so, I have a shortcut for you. To move up the ladder to higher vibrations, start by completing this simple statement…

I like the feeling of…

Repeat this over and over in your mind (or write it down), filling in the blank with different things you enjoy (e.g., I like the feeling of peace, I like the feeling of financial freedom, I like the feeling of walking through the halls of my beautiful home, etc.). You can learn more about why this shortcut works here.

Just like you can’t tune in to a specific radio station without shifting the dial on the radio to the same frequency as the station, you can’t manifest your desires without shifting your emotional frequency to that of your higher, most receptive self.


How to Consistently Tune into Higher Vibrations

Another way you can support yourself in attaining higher frequency emotions is by activating consistent, positive habits in your life. When you do so, you create a consistent, calmer inner life and can more consistently access emotions like joy and peace.

Here are a few ways I prime myself to tune in better:

  • Morning routine. This is a free and immediate way to go from surviving to thriving. There’s no better way to set yourself up for success than to direct your energy first thing in the morning. If you want a jump start on creating one, download your free morning routine guide here.

  • Meditation. Meditation activates the alpha state of the brain which is similar to a hallucinatory state. Your mental blocks fall away and high energy emotions can flow to you unhindered. Headspace is a great way to dip your toe into the waters of meditation. All you need to start is ten minutes and a love for British accents.

  • Journaling. Every morning I write three pages stream of consciousness to satiate the ego and get it out of the way so I can do my important writing, like a book or blog posts, with fewer obstacles. When I’m feeling lower energies I’ll write a question at the top of my page then write whatever comes out. Usually, I get an insightful, powerful answer from my higher self and feel elevated by the time I’m done writing.

  • Reading books. What you consume affects how you feel. I like to read books like Ask and It Is Given* by Abraham Hicks and other mindful topics so I can continue growing to higher states of living. They give me hope and a new way of thinking which raises my vibration and ability to process difficult times.

  • Watching videos. Again, this touches on the statement that what you consume affects how you feel. I like videos that talk about alignment like this and often find other mystical and educational content on YouTube.

  • Stretching and yoga. Negative emotions can stay stagnant inside of your body when they’re not processed correctly. I’ve worked from home for the last 4+ years and have learned ways to give my energy a constant reboot. Making sure to move and stretch every hour helps you recalibrate and restore your energy.

Even if you only do a morning routine and ten minutes of meditation a day you’re setting yourself up to feel more peace and handle situations better. 

Below is an intention, action step, and writing prompt you can do to start enacting some of the principles mentioned in this post.


Repeat this at least 3x a day: I am in vibrational alignment with my higher, most receptive self.

Do This Today

Notice when you like how you’re feeling and when you don’t. Was there a positive/negative thought right before? Did you do something fulfilling right before? Pay attention to the precipitating events and you’ll begin to recognize that you have control over your emotional reactions to them.

Writing Prompt

Move up the ladder to higher vibrations this week by writing at the top of a blank page: I like the feeling of… and see what flows out of your pen. No judgment or editing.


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.


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