How to Manifest a Positive Money Mindset – Part 3

The third in a four-part series on how to feel your best about money. Inspired by Esther and Jerry Hicks’s book Money and the Law of Attraction we’ll learn how we’re wired to manifest, what your authentic self feels like, and more.


The feelings we feel and the thoughts we think carry weight. Power. Magnetism.

As a kid, I dreamed hard and obsessed about making it in the music industry. Did my vocal warm-ups and singing lessons. Wrote songs at school and on my bed. I imagined the artists and executives I would work with. 

Every thought and feeling was directed toward my dream. And I had fun doing it. When I moved to Los Angeles after graduating high school I eventually worked with some of the people in my dream. To the ego it felt unbelievable and unreal. 

To the Spirit? It was expected. I was meeting the reality I created years ago in my mind. The outcome was from an accumulation of thoughts and actions building upon one another. Becoming stronger and stronger until the attraction was undeniable.

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You’re made for manifesting

Tune in to the other parts of this series here: part one, part two, part four

Abraham Hicks says, “Not only do your thoughts attract other thoughts that are of a similar nature, but the longer you focus, the stronger the thoughts become and the more attraction power they amass.”

What if you’re reading this and know you struggle with negative thinking? Or suffer from anxiety? The idea of “controlling” your thoughts seems impossible. Let me put your mind at ease: you can still manifest.

I suffered from crippling anxiety and fear during my time in music. A lot of what I manifested was by sheer force and the chasing energy of the masculine. It left me drained and off-center.

The kind of manifesting we want is the one where we lean into the feminine. Allowing ourselves to get still, feel good, and attract things to us. It’s much easier and enjoyable that way.

When I realized something was off I started reading self-help books, meditating, and going to therapy to understand why. Meditation taught me that thoughts aren’t for us to control. They exist whether we want them to or not. It’s our decision to attach or not that’s in our control.

Another lesson I learned was that Universe wants us to thrive and will give us only what we can handle. The more we expand our capacity to receive then the bigger and faster things can come. Therapy helped me put a name and framework to the feelings, thoughts, and experiences I was having. That’s when my ability to manifest with ease and power got stronger. My sense of empowerment grew.

You don’t have to be perfect in thought or feeling to draw wonderful things into your life. And when unpleasant things happen it’s not a sign that you’re doing things “wrong”. It’s how you decide to pivot that matters. It’s important to have the tools to help you grab the next best thought in each moment.

That takes practice. And if you struggle with anxiety, depression, or fear give yourself grace. You can still attract what you desire. God/Universe doesn’t dangle desires in front of your heart only to pull them away.

The seed is planted because you’re being called to bring it to life. As you are in this very moment. The body you inhabit was literally created by manifesting power. You’re wired for it.


Manifesting is second nature

We manifest without realizing it. Someone you think about calls you or the day flows exactly as you hoped. There was little effort or resistance. Why don’t we manifest like this more often?

The world complicates things. The ego puts restrictions and conditions on our emotions and desires so we forget this natural talent. We overthink, stress, worry, judge, and obsess. Which all block the natural, expansive flow of Spirit to work miracles in our lives.

Anytime we feel constricted or blocked that means we’re not accessing our authentic selves. We’d manifest incredibly well without trying if we simplified and surrendered. As children, we didn’t know restriction or failure. As adults, we must do the same. To access and connect with that natural tendency to think about what we want. To stay the course and allow the attraction to become more powerful.

It’s clear what blocks the power of manifesting. So what does it feel like when you’re in alignment with Source? How do we know we’re on the aligned path?

How to know you’re on the aligned path

Abraham Hicks says you know you’re in complete alignment with the Source within you when you feel “absolute exhilaration…powerful attraction to an idea, or keen interest…” When you’re aligned you’ll “allow faster achievement of big things that you want in life…” Your body feels clear, expansive, light, and like there’s a buzz of electricity.

When you know how a connection to your authentic self feels it’s easier to start seeing emotional discomfort as a powerful indicator that something is wrong. Feeling aligned + being in alignment means you’re in a state of allowing something into your experience. Being misaligned means you’re blocking your desire from coming into your experience. Your natural state of being, who you really are, feels expansive and good.

So anytime you feel emotional discomfort or negativity, that’s an indicator you’re not aligned with your Being or desire. Think about the most recent time you felt angry or irritated. Chances are, you were feeling misaligned.

For me, I usually feel angry or irritated because I’m denying a desire like working out or writing. As I go throughout my day ignoring these desires, I feel snippy and snappy. Yet, when I sit down to type words or move my body, I feel a complete resonance. My emotions feel clear and expansive. My energy feels full. There’s a sense of flow because my desires, emotions, and actions are all aligned.

Put it into action

This week, when you feel yourself sensing emotional discomfort (or anger + irritation), pause and check in with yourself:

  • What desire am I ignoring?

  • What can I do now to get back to feeling good?

Then go do it, friend!

It’s ok if you’re not used to understanding emotional discomfort this way. Don’t expect a huge change overnight. Practice and give yourself grace. Before you know it you’ll do this automatically.

PS. Those two questions are meant to be quick thoughts that help you reorient your focus. You don’t have to make it some big production. It’s ok to feel emotions and then move on with your day. I made the mistake of always overanalyzing any negative emotion I felt and life began to feel heavy.

It’s about balance. What’s worth dealing with more intensely vs. not? Sometimes things don’t work out the way we hoped. Sometimes people are jerks. That doesn’t mean you’re at fault or need to analyze it. It’s ok to feel the emotion and keep going.


My thoughts grow in their attracting power as my energy feels clear, expansive, and light.

Writing Prompt

What’s one thing I can do or think today to feel more aligned?


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

How to Manifest a Positive Money Mindset – Part 4


How to Manifest a Positive Money Mindset – Part 2