How to Manifest a Positive Money Mindset – Part 4

The fourth in a four-part series on how to feel your best about money. You’ll read about how to create space for wealth, a poverty vs. prosperity mindset, and why negative emotions are a gift.


Depending on how you were raised it may feel weird thinking of emotional discomfort as a guidepost rather than the equivalent of touching a hot stove. And that’s ok! Big change doesn’t happen overnight. It happens when we make different choices in the small moments that compound over time. 

In part three, we talked about two questions you can ask when you feel negative emotions and need to pivot. They are: What desire am I ignoring? What can I do now to get back to feeling good? For some, those might feel like a big, uncomfortable stretch. Maybe they’re not used to embracing what they want. Or feel resistance when they think about feeling good. If you relate to this then here’s something else you can do.

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How to create space for wealth

Tune in to the other parts of this series here: part one, part two, part three

Start small. Simply observe and note your emotions throughout the day. Without judgment or reaction. This sounds too simple (or maybe dumb) but I promise this is the key to bigger change.

Many of us get caught in the tidal wave of negative emotion and can’t find a way out. The point of noting and observing is to get yourself out of the tidal wave and be the observer on the beach watching it from afar instead.

Feeling angry? Exhausted? Irritated? Pause for a second and simply note it. Oh, that’s anger. Hmm, that’s irritation. That’s exhaustion.

After you get consistent at pausing and noting, then ask yourself, “What do I want at this moment that I’m not giving me?” This will change everything. When you recognize you’re misaligned with your desires that’s when you get the chance to shift your thoughts. To react in a different way.

When you shift your thoughts your energy changes.

When your energy changes your emotions change.

When your emotions change your actions change.

When your actions change your results change.

This doesn’t mean we need to feel pressure to rush or hurry through this process. The Law of Attraction says it’s unrealistic to expect someone who’s angry to take a big emotional leap to love or joy. Instead, they ought to grab the next best emotion like a rung on a ladder and work their way up from there. Here’s a nifty visual:


Why negative emotions are a gift

Abraham Hicks puts it perfectly when describing the effect negative thoughts have on us. She says:

“when you think thoughts that are not in harmony with the thoughts of your Inner Being, the flow of Life Force, or Energy, that comes into your physical body is stifled or restricted–and the result of that restriction is that you feel negative emotion.”

I’m a visual thinker and, as I read this, imagined Life Force and Energy as the rushing water of a large river. Unharmonious thoughts like a big steel wall closing down upon and blocking the natural power of the water like a dam. That’s why negative emotions are a gift. They’re a sign from your Spirit that your soul-affirming Life Force is being restricted. The rushing waters of abundance, wealth, and health stifled.

If we feel restricted it’s great to ask ourselves why. Why am I feeling restricted? What is it that I’m not wanting here? Remind yourself you are safe with yourself. It’s ok to explore without judgment or shame. Negative emotions are a natural part of every experience.

Once we get to the root of what we don’t want we can ask, “So what do I want?” Then allow ourselves to luxuriate our thoughts in the answer. This is how restrictions placed on your Life Force and Energy start to lift. Keeping ourselves on the receiving path of abundance is as simple as this.


Poverty vs. prosperity mindset

What stories do you tell yourself about money? For me, it often came down to not trusting myself. Will I know what to do with the money I make? Then my scaredy cat ego created every doomsday scenario: losing every penny, becoming an egotistical monster, being alone.

It definitely focused on what I didn’t want 😆. And my focus on the lack didn’t leave any space for true wealth. Whatever our story is, we can only bring into our life what we have the space for. What we have a feeling for.

Abraham Hicks says, “When you feel poor–only things that feel like poverty can come to you. When you feel prosperous–only things that feel like prosperity can come to you. This Law is consistent…” Whichever one we feel comes down to where our focus is. Are we acknowledging and focusing on the proof of abundance in our lives? This helps us feel prosperous. Or the lack of it? This keeps us in a poverty mindset.

In the first couple of months of having my daughter, I remember worrying she wouldn’t love me because of some buried belief that I’m not worthy enough of love. So I saw proof all around me. She gazes at my husband but not at me. She seems tense when I hold her. Etc.

Then my therapist said my fear of not being worthy tints the lens I look at my world with. She then challenged me to start looking for ways my daughter does love me (because she does) and understand her brand of love towards me. It changed my energy in that instant. I felt lovable and reminded myself that I was. Then over the following days, I did find proof that she loves me and it’s grown our bond even more.

It’s the same with money or any aspect of life. What proof do you see for what you do want? Or that something is working? Focusing on feeling abundance first is the best and lowest-risk way to circumvent the ego and create space for receiving more.

Prosperity is for everyone

I also want to clarify a couple of things about feeling poor and feeling prosperous. Even if your physical world has every sign of poverty that doesn’t mean you’re disqualified from feeling prosperous. It’s not a feeling reserved only for the privileged. It’s a state of being available to all.

My hope is each of us, in our own way, can not only practice and master feeling prosperous but also support others who were born with more obstacles to prosperity. Part of believing in and practicing abundance is making sure it’s accessible to everyone as much as possible. Otherwise, we don’t actually believe in abundance because it doesn’t discriminate or have a limited amount. There’s more than enough for everyone.

As a complex, sensitive topic it’s too nuanced to do justice in this short post. But it felt necessary to at least mention it. Don’t be afraid to practice prosperous thoughts and habits regardless of what your physical reality is at the moment. Eventually, the thoughts we think and the emotions we feel will change the physical world we live in.

Even if we don’t see its physical manifestations yet it’s coming if we stay the course. It’s like when someone focuses on drinking more water or making their bed every day they naturally start creating other healthy habits. Feeling prosperous is like drinking more water. It’s the discipline of one small habit that then snowballs into many more.

The importance of pivoting focus

Abraham Hicks says you can’t speak about what you want and don’t want at the same time. If you speak more about what you do want the less you’ll speak about what you don’t want. Many of us are wired to focus on the negative aspects of a situation:

“I’m not making enough money.”

“How on earth will I find the help I need to make more money?”

By thinking and speaking about what we don’t want there’s not much room to focus on what we do. When you catch yourself in the “do not want” space tell yourself, “I know what I do not want; what is it that I do want?” We might say instead:

“I want to make money so I can have freedom of time. That way I can be present with my kids, partner, and focus fully on my purpose.”

“I want to find help because I can’t do everything on my own. I want to focus on my purpose and this will free up time so I can create and connect.”

Did you feel the difference? Gently pivoting your focus with this question will help you shift your vibrational alignment. The more you practice, the more your focus and vibrational alignment default to the positive. This was tough for me at first. Especially if you’re used to hearing about plans, roadmaps, and strategies from online thought leaders. I was in that cycle for so many years.

We live in a world that favors the masculine. Of taking action over anything else. That encourages and rewards trusting only in what you can see. Leaning into the feminine by focusing on your energy and attracting things to you may feel weird. Or counterintuitive.

You’re probably here because the way of the world isn’t working for you. So it’s time to try something new. Trust that feeling. It’s not by action, doing, or words alone that you create. You create through the thoughts and energy you offer.

The next step is to test everything out for at least seven days. Pointing out what you don’t want and then asking what it is you do want. Let me know when you test this out and what happens! There are even more topics I cover in our daily emails so make sure to sign up.


I focus fully on what it is I want and feel my life expand accordingly.

Writing Prompt

What did I feel about money before today? How do I feel about it now?

Can I give myself the space to feel worthy?


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

More Money, More Joy, and Less Struggle with Rha Goddess


How to Manifest a Positive Money Mindset – Part 3